“Excellence in Inspiring Know-how”

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Totally Integrated Business Solutions

Business Development Products


Strategic Management

Business Strategy and Business Plans

Managing Change

People Development

Read on to find out how these Bizcare tools can help your business move forward.....

Bizcare can help you develop and implementing a strategic focus for your business - it’s not simply about developing a vision and purpose but more about “creating the future”.

Throughout the evolution of your business there will be many changes, some internal but most externally driven, like economic factors, government imposed legislation, market changes, technological changes and many more. Change Management is a process for achieving performance improvements through a series of coordinated organisational changes.

It is the ability and willingness of your management team to handle and adapt to these changes that will determine whether your business will move forward or fall behind your competitors.

Bizcare can provide valuable insight into your business by helping you and your team to develop the skills necessary for you to make the right decisions and changes before, rather than after the event.

We will provide all the tools and techniques to manage change and increase the likelihood of a successful transition by helping you to sort through and prioritise those issues that will have the biggest positive and negative impact on your processes.

Training can be as part of a consultancy project involving systems development or be purely bespoke to meet your specific needs, such as:

Your business will have to face new challenges in the near future in order to thrive. It is often assumed by business owners and senior managers that their available staff will have skills and knowledge necessary to meet these challenges. The reality is that they may not, and your business will most certainly suffer as a consequence.

Continually developing your people and providing them with the necessary appropriate skills to move your business forward will help you to be more competitive in your marketplace.

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“Let us help you get your house in order and free the owner and let the Business become the entity.”


Everything you need for a small to medium size businesses with affordable first class support, delivering simple business development solutions to far exceed your expectations.....

Our Vision-2-Reality system brings together all the activities necessary to bring a new business idea into existence.

It is also often used to recover an ailing business back into a profitable position to the point of hand-over, or hand-back, to the Client’s own management team.

Although each Client need will differ, our Vision-2-Reality system usually consists of four stages:


To this end Bizcare provide a wide range of support services to help businesses develop to their full potential, such as:

Many companies fail to achieve their potential because they do not give enough proper thought about what they want or need to achieve and what they should do in order to enable them to reach their full potential.

In addition to our management systems development and support activities some Clients may only require specific aspects of their business to be developed.

Stage A. Initial Concept Diagnostics (Support Studies) - Review existing support studies/documents etc for completeness and the development of a Business Plan and Project Quality Plan (PQP). The later to cover all stages necessary to establish the new business in accordance with the strategies and objectives identified within the Business Plan. The PQP is the final output document from Stage A which will drive the activities covered in stages B to D below.

Stage B. Legalisation, Design and Build - Oversee all commercial contracts entered into including government (legal registration documents like trading licences etc), contractor and employee based as the project progress. These staged activities are not intended to replace any supervisory or operational management role provided by the Client’s staff or their contractors, but rather to provide an audit type role covering all the key activities (i.e. those deemed critical in terms of achieving the target completion milestones) identified within each stage of the Client’s PQP work activity stages.

Stage C. Business Development - Support the whole development of the business over the first two years, or until formal handover to the Client’s operational management team, whichever is sooner. The activities associated within this stage will include (1) a basic operational management system covering all the procedures necessary to manage the whole business as well as direct support in selecting IT/ICT equipment and operational/business software etc; and (2) hands-on support to recruit new staff (managers, sales and administrative office personnel etc as required) as well as their subsequent training.

Stage D. Implementation and Operating Phase - Continuing support to ensure that (1) the new systems are properly implemented to ensure efficiency and effectiveness throughout all operations; (2) key staff are properly coached and mentored so that all the operational activities are professionally managed and owned by them.

Bizcare will work with you to identify the current “healthiness” of your business and then help you to develop a strategic plan to cover the following:

(1) Obtain an objective review of the business through consultation at all levels to identify those operational areas of concern that need specific attention to get things moving in the right direction.

(2) Undertake a Gap Analysis to determine optimum organisation structures, roles and ownership for implementing the necessary changes required to move the company in the desired direction.

(3) Develop the new strategic plan incorporating key performance indicators along with target milestone dates for all aspects identified as key strategic objectives from the above two elements.

(4) Deliver staff presentations to gain understanding and buy-in to the new strategies.

(5) Monitor the real level of implementation to demonstrate achievement against measurable objectives and targets identified in the strategic plan.

(6) Develop the company’s future vision and purpose.

To reach full potential your business should have a realistic business strategy which should clearly define and optimise your goals to realise your growth potential and subsequently increase your bottom line profits.

You should fully understand your market, your competition, current and future trends, your strengths and weaknesses and most importantly your opportunities and threats. As part of identifying with these necessities Bizcare specialises in developing meaningful and measurable Business Plans for all types of business to turn your aspirations into reality.

Your Business Plan should be kept as simple but meaningful as possible. It should give a concise and true perspective of reality, not give in to unrealistic unachievable aspirations.

It should provide a very accurate perspective of historic performance and future projections based on meaningful criteria that can be measured against realistic performance targets based on realistic time-frames. It should include sufficient analysis of your chosen market with a comprehensive competitor analysis.

Bizcare will provide you with a fresh approach to help you identify solutions that meet the needs of your business to suit your business strategies right through to having a strategy for the owners to exit from the business when the time is right.

More and more businesses are implementing e-commerce techniques that could have a profound effect on the way your customers expect to trade with you.

E-commerce allows small as well as large companies to trade globally and develop new markets, giving buyers much more choice, often resulting is less orders being placed with your business without any warning.

These will create the most interest and motivators so that your staff are continually involved and eventually take full ownership at which point we take a back seat and move into a simple monitoring role.

Continually developing your people and providing them with the necessary appropriate skills to move your business forward will help you to be more competitive in your marketplace.

Bizcare will deliver training that is designed to meet those needs.

Our Training Services cover all the basics from Quality Awareness right through to Total Quality Management covering the vast amount of training skills necessary and sought by both Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the Blue-Chip Industry Sectors throughout the world.